Óscar Fabián Gutiérrez Herrán is an expert in port, infrastructure and tax matters. He has represented and advised companies before national and international arbitration tribunals and national courts. His professional practice revolves around litigation and consulting in infrastructure and tax matters. He has been featured in international publications such as «Chambers and Partners», «Best Lawyers» and «The Legal 500».
- Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (1994). He obtained degrees of Specialist in Corporate Law from the same university (1997), Specialist in the Legal, Accounting and Financial Regime of Taxes from the Universidad de los Andes (1998), and Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Minnesota (1999).
- Professor and columnist on infrastructure and tax matters. Author of the book «Colombian Port Law».
- Professor of Constitutional Law at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
- Arbitrator of the Arbitration Center of the Chambers of Commerce of Cali and Ibagué; and of list B of the Arbitration and Business Conciliation Center of the Superintendence of Corporations.