Palacios Lleras has extensive experience in providing legal advice and acting as counsel in litigation and arbitration proceedings concerning infrastructure projects such as: (i) highway, railway, port and airport concessions; (ii) Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs); (iii) massive public transport systems, (iv) environmental issues; (v) tax advice to companies in the sector and (vi) investment advice regarding the use of mining royalties in infrastructure projects.
We have been invited by national authorities and foreign entities to participate in studies on the Colombian legal regulations on infrastructure. Furthermore, we have represented public entities and concessionaires in litigation and arbitration proceedings in some of the largest infrastructure projects in the country.
As advisors to public entities, we participated in the drafting of the Colombian Law of Ports (Law 1 of 1991). We presently act as consultants to authorities, port companies, and private investors in the incorporation of port companies, their fee system, the renegotiation and interpretation of concession contracts, as well as specific issues involving anti-competitive practices governed by anti-trust rules.
We have advised companies during the administrative procedures of a port concession request and represented port companies in disputes before administrative authorities and courts.